Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Bagi yang pake new blogger, mungkin rada ribet ganti templatenya. Suka ga bisa di save gimanaaa.. gitu. Kalo udah di paste dan mau di preview, nanti muncul tulisan:

We were unable to preview your template Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The element type "html" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".

Kalo mau di save suka muncul tulisan:

We were unable to save your template Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The element type "html" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".

Nah, jangan takut, jangan khawatir..
Ini kentut, bukannya petir..

Hal ini bisa dibereskan dengan:
1. Klik 'revert to classic template' yang tergeletak pasrah di bawah kotak kode HTML
2. Berdoa dengan khusyuk
3. Mengunjungi blog saya untuk menunggu..


Setelah itu, tampilan edit template anda telah berubah jadi classic blogger style, dimana anda bisa langsung donlot skin dari sini, paste, dan.. voila! Ga ada masalah!

Hohoho.. slamath mencoba!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Linkin Park: MTM

This is the latest skin from meh, featuring the super duper extraordinary cool band ever, Linkin Park!! Yaaay..

This skin is dark and gray with their new song Shadow of the Day from their newest album Minutes to Midninght!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

un-speakable: Gwen Stefani

Please welcome my newest crew, the mysterious Un-Speakable! I saw her around at blogskins, newbie but have great skins. So I ask her (or him? I dunno, she/he's so mysterious) to join me here. And IT (lol) said "Yes.."

Welcome, welcome..

Title: Gwen Stefani feat. Gwen Stefani
Main Color: Pale yellow, pale green, yellow, orange, red
Skin Type: Scroll
Main Font: Times New Roman, 10px. Tahoma 10px. I DO use small fonts! So, if you see the font's big.. well, go ask your browser.. ^^;
Best Viewed: With IE (a lil bit screwed in another browser, maybe..), 1024x768, full screen (F11)
Other: My third skin. From now on, I joined skinCITY. It means, I'll post my skins there. Go visit and leave some comments. Anyway, please leave your constructive comment, your fair rate, your kindly download, or your generous favs..
Picture may take a while to load. Be patient, pleasee.. ;D


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Gorgeous Girl

New skin!

Skin-nya cewek dan girl power banget. Maksud skin ini, nggak peduli orang ngomong apa, yang penting aku percaya bahwa aku keren gitu, lah!

Narsis, ya? Emang.. hehe.. ;D

Skin ini rada beda, ya soalnya aku jarang bikin skin pake foto. Biasanya kan aku bikin yang pake gambar-gambar gitu. Bukan foto. Sedikit coba", sih.. tapi menurut aku hasilnya not bad, laaah.. simple aja, nggak rame banget!

Err.. lama" aku jadi hobi warna" cewek nih..


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

GTA: San Andreas

I haven't play the game, but I guess it rawks just like any other GTA games. Right now, I'm playing GTA Vice City stories.. it's cool, and full of violence and brutality!

Wooohoo.. I love to squish people with my car and shoot everyone I meet in the game!!

Ehm.. let's talk about the skin..

I really like the cool picture. I edited it with some brushes and textures.

The skin is mainly dark with a touch of pink.

Why pink?

Because this skin made by a GIRL! And the FEMININE one..


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Uchiha Sasuke: Demon in Me


I finally back!

Sasuke!!!!!! Sasuke is cool! The demon made him cooler..

First, I want to give this skin to my buddy who loves Naruto related things, Jere. But, I've changed my mind.. *evil grins*
