Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Linkin Park Green

I got Linkin Park image from Google and it stayed in my picture folder for a long time, maybe almost one year. Then yesterday, I saw this image and edited it..

Well, I made this picture green-ish. Another simple and tidy skin.

Including part of their lyrics.


Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As...'

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Let's Paint the Rainbow

A rainbow themed skin! Is it colorful? No! It's a dark and gray-ish skin (I adore gray!) with a little bit shocking pink there. And don't forget about the white. I really love that crappy-but-cutey guy. But if I were him, I'd like to buy more colorful paint instead of that dull gray paint.

Let's paint and paint and paint and paint!


Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As...'

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Naruto: Life is Getting Tougher

Yah.. the life is getting tougher, especially for me. My family have to move to another city, leaving me alone in this little town called Kisaran.. *sigh*

And don't forget about the approaching final exam.. gyaaaa..

Oh, enough!

Btw, this is the coolest Naruto skin I've ever made. Dark blue with simple image and style. Naruto mania, please download it!

Naruto, you look sad too..


Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As...'


(Puas, Jer? T_T)

Blue's Sweet Memories

Blue's clues.. Blue's clues..
Awww.. an adorable and cute dog! This skin is just for you, pink and Blue lovers.

We got to find another footprints!


Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As...'

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Colors In Your Life

Ahhh.. long time no see..
This is my newest skin (I'm sorry, I'm getting lazy later. Well, actually not lazy but busy with tons of school work *sigh* the final exam is approaching! GOSH!).

Btw, this skin uses soft color.. and yah.. messy images. But, it looks nice. Really! It's a complete skin, with archive and previous posts. This skin is clear and tidy, girly (sorry boys!).

Interested? Download it!

Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As…'

Ricardo 'Kaka' Izecson

Awwww.. he's soooo.. cute! *tears* I wanna meet him! Hug him! Kiss him! Take a photo of him!
Kaka! I love you! I need you! Forget your wife and come to me!
Crazy Mode: ON

Ok, about the skin, it's gray-ish and black-ish and dark-ish with a touch of girly colored fonts in the side bar.

Need Kaka as your skin? Go ahead, but remember: HE'S MINE!! RAWRRR!!

Meet Kaka!

Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As...'

Math Hawk

I dedicated this skin for my buddy, Jeremia. He's a math freek, can't live without math, and sacrifices his life for math. Besides of that, he has masculine face and sexy lips just like that man on my skin.

His hair is not mohawk, though.

This skin is absolutely neat and so simple. Call it plain, but it nice. White and black with a touch of pale blue. Tiny fonts, but you can change the size later.

Go mathematics!


Note: Just click the link for downloading. If it doesn't work, RIGHT click and 'Save Target As…'

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Slvrazor: Three Stripes

Extremely simple and quite boyish.
Neat, i like it. Bigger space for the post.


Slvrazor: Sweet Anteater

Anteater a.k.a Antler a.k.a Trenggiling..
Looks silly but simple, light, and cute..



Slvrazor: Banana Fairy (2 versions)

Huh, Gunyu is getting lazy later! She never submit skin again here. I work alone..
But, I enjoy it! SLVRazor RULES!!

Check this out!

I made it in 2 version:

Download Yellow!

Download Baby Blue!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

slvrazor: Skully Skull

Nah, this is drippy skin featuring a silly skull with it's skully horse. With dusty pink background. Quite funny.

Like it?


slvrazor: Bone is Food?

My first skin. Is it good??

Funny pict, heheh.. silly faces monsters..


New Partner

Well, I have a new partner now, Slvrazor!

Slvrazor: *waves* Hellow.. just entered this skin-making world..

Enough for now, Slvrazor! Work again!! *kick Slvrazor*

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Midafternoon Funeral For A Lost Hero

Halah.. long title. But, anyway I can't find 'funeral' things in the image. I used the picture title as my skin title. Ga mau susah" nyari judul lagi, sih..

Quite feminine, simple, and chic..


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Elements of Orange

What more can I say??

Orange is good for your health..


Naruto ver. Halloween

Very cool Naruto picture. He's handsome in this picture..
I tried to make different skin style. Does it works??


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Retro Style

*put kaca mata capung on*
*wear cutbray pants*
*klimis hair*
Yo! Retro.. *joged ala 80's*

Let's dance.. Boogie night, aha.. aha.. dancing queen..


Friday, June 30, 2006

Free Your Mind

I did it! I make a boyish and masculine skin..
Err.. nggak terlalu, sih.. but, I've tried.

Boys, whaddya think? Leave comment, dong!


Kitty and Mousey

Don't make girly skin.
Don't make cute skin.
Don't make sweet skin.



Black Cat

Black cat. Sit alone and stare with his BIG eyes..

You may have it.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Where'd You Go?

Inspired by Fort Minor song, Where'd You Go and cool picture that i saw at Pixel Girl. A lil bit cold (cold? Whaddya mean with cold?). Iclude their lyrics in it..


Sleepy Squid

This (BIG) squid is sleepy and he wants to sleep. NO WAY! The squids can't sleep! Why? Ummm.. I dunno why..

Squid, wake up!


Raining Bunnies

Bunnies! Bunnies! More bunnies!! Gimme more bunnies!
Very girly.. and soft color again. Prepare your sunnies!

Girls, want it?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Creamy Bunnies

Another girly, cute, pinky, creamy, yadda.. yadda.. Ou.. the color is sooo.. soft.. :p

Wanna taste it?


How to Change Your Skin

Simple.. after you download your desired skin code, log in to your blogger. Click 'Change Settings' then 'Template'. You'll se a box full of weird codes. Just delete those codes, block all (ctrl+A) and delete. Whooo.. disappear!

Open your downloaded skin code. Block all (ctrl+A) and copy (ctrl+C). Back to your blogger, paste (ctrl+V) your code into the box. Voila!! Preview it if you want. Just save your changes if you like it and republish your blog. Good luck!!

How to Download

How to Download
It's eazy. Simply click the download link at the end of the post. Then, there will be a pop up window. Click the 'open' button to open it and copy the code directly. You can also save it in your computer by clicking 'save' button if you want to edit it later.

If you have trouble downloading it, try the second way. Right click on the link. Then, click Save Target As... and save it in your computer. Open the file and copy the code into your blogger template.


Ooops! Ice cream is too delicious. Nobody can resist it!

Download it? Yess..

Down.. load

Animal Friends

Awwww... cute! Look at them.. aren't they innocent? Aren't they friendly, tame, kind??

So, why don't you adopt them?

Adopt them!

Happy Tree Friends: Hospital

Ack!! Cruel! Sadistic! But.. cute..


Picnic on a Branch (grey)

Grey, simple, a little bit plain. But, it's still cute.. the sidebar is purple. Dark, but still feminine.

Wanna have it? Click the link below...


Kissy Lips

Hullow pink lover all around the world! I have a cute and girly pink template for you.
Pink.. pink.. pink.. oink! Look at that white and floaty creature! Uh.. love that kissy lips.. =)

Would you like to have it? Just click the link below and customize it. But, left the credits behind!


Monday, June 26, 2006


Hi semuanya... welcome to Skin City (bukan Sin City, lowh..)

Disini bakal ada blogskins buatanku yang bisa di-download. Blogskins buatanku itu simple-simple..

Ntar bisa request juga!

Tungguin aja, yawh... buh-byeee...